4 Exclusive WhatsApp news

Hello fellow geeks!!!

We are here today with some exclusive WhatsApp news which is quite exciting and long awaited from the WhatsApp users worldwide.

Privacy Updates on WhatsApp
Source : https://blog.whatsapp.com/

Let us begin with the WhatsApp news 1st one

Team WhatsApp has been working on this for a while. When you’re stuck in a group chat which you don’t like, and you don’t settle in and feel awkward leaving the group.

So, this news is for all such irritated users.

WhatsApp is to introduce this feature to leave group chat silently without notifying the group members.

Just to keep in mind, leaving the group will notify the admins of the group.

“New privacy features coming to WhatsApp: exit group chats without notifying everyone, control who can see when you’re online, and prevent screenshots on view once messages”

CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.

2nd exclusive WhatsApp news is

Now you will be able to manage exclusively that who can and who cannot see when you are online.

You will be able to show/hide it to all and to only one if you like.

These 2 updates are to be featured in WhatsApp update later this month of august 2022.

Read : WhatsApp Tested Transfer Data between Android and IOS

3rd exclusive WhatsApp news is

Team WhatsApp is working for quite some time for blocking the screen shot of view once messages (image, video) so that the purpose of sending view once messages can be fulfilled and the data cannot be breached in any way possible.

The date of blocking the screen shot for view once messages is not yet announced by the WhatsApp, but it is speculated that most of the work on this update is completed.

This feature will be available to the users in the coming days.


Last one exclusive WhatsApp news is

WhatsApp is extending the time to unsend messages for little over two days.

Until now this time is for a few hours but after this update you will be able to unsend the undesired sent messages for more about two days.

So, fellow geeks!!

This would be all for this exciting WhatsApp tech news for now and we will be back with a lot of interesting and exclusive stuff to share with you.

Stay tuned!!!